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Providing reliable, high-quality premedia services for world-renowned print publications including Monocle magazine
Winkontent’s portfolio of high-end magazines cover everything from global affairs to design. Their discerning readers expect the very best content, which is why the print quality has to be of the same high standard. Winkontent has therefore been working with Rhapsody since November 2021, relying on our premedia services for Monocle magazine and quarterly lifestyle magazine Konfekt.
As part of Rhapsody’s services, our experienced team carries out any necessary colour management and retouching work. For a streamlined workflow, we use Engine, the content management platform which we developed in-house: It not only allows us to populate the Engine flatplan and produce in-spec proofs, but also to generate print-ready PDFs once all pages are approved, all generally within a week of production.
Excellent account management has been key to the success of our services. Thanks to efficient delivery workflows and bespoke technology solutions, we deliver on quality and speed while also allowing for the last-minute changes that typically come with publications covering current affairs. Our client is thus able to offer its audiences a reading experience of the highest quality.

the total number of Monocle and Konfekt issues we work on annually
the number of countries Monocle is sold in
the number of Monocle copies that are sold each issue

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